João Campari is Global Leader of WWF's Food Practice, leading the Network´s efforts to enhance the sustainability of the global food system. His primary areas of focus are sustainable agriculture and aquaculture, sustainable diets and food loss and waste. Prior to WWF, João was Special Sustainability Advisor at the Ministry of Agriculture in Brazil, where he also served as President of the Low-Carbon Agriculture Platform and as Executive Secretary of the Agribusiness Commission on Sustainable Development. João holds a Ph. D. in environmental economics and his research and publications focus on the nexus of rural poverty and natural resources management in agricultural frontiers.
Brent Loken is WWF’s Global Food Lead Scientist. He was a lead author of the EAT-Lancet report on Food, Planet, Health, which established the first global diet that can healthily and sustainably feed our growing world population. His research now focuses on how global targets for our food system can be implemented in countries around the world.
Vanessa Pérez-Cirera is an environmental economist focusing on international climate policy and economics. As Deputy Leader for Climate & Energy, she works on net-zero carbon pathways, policy and coalition formation. She served as Deputy Policy Director at the Mexican Ministry of Environment before joining WWF in 2002, where she held senior management positions in Mexico and internationally for the global network. She left WWF to go to academia where she headed the Research Program on Sustainable Development for Universidad Iberoamericana and returned in 2017
Fran Raymond Price is WWF’s Global Forest Practice Lead. Fran leads the delivery of WWF's global forest strategy and global goals, and ensures collaboration and coordination on our efforts around the world to safeguard forests. Fran has spent her career working to protect forests and improve forestry around the globe. She joined WWF after 18 years at The Nature Conservancy (TNC), where she helped guide the organization’s adoption and promotion of responsible forest management and certification.
Jeff Opperman is the Global Lead Freshwater Scientist, working across the WWF network and with external partners to direct research that can strengthen conservation strategies and to integrate science into freshwater programs and projects. Jeff came to WWF from The Nature Conservancy where he served as the director and lead scientist of the Great Rivers Partnership. His scientific and policy research has been published in journals such as Science, BioScience and Ecological Applications and he is the lead author of the book Floodplains: processes and management for ecosystem services, published in 2017. He holds a Ph.D. in ecosystem science from the University of California, Berkeley and a B.S. in biology from Duke University.
Further Insights

Great Grasslands: Why sustainable beef is more important to clean water and a stable climate than most think
The world's grasslands are often overlooked and undervalued – but they are hugely important environments and a 'working lands' approach, incorporating sustainable beef production, must be embraced to support their conservation.
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From the forest to your plate
We can make a big difference as individuals. By changing what we eat, we can reduce the area of land that’s needed to feed us , creating space for forest restoration, nature, and carbon sequestration.
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Fundamentals of life - the inseparability of food and water
A planet-based diet can help shift food production systems toward more sustainable water management, with a range of other benefits spanning your own health to the climate. The “power on your plate” extends to the glass of water sitting next to it.
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